Flying & Scrying Divination Key Spell
Your key has unlocked a page of the secret grimoire.
The spell you seek can be found below.
Divination is a form of scrying that lets us peer into the future and unlock hidden knowledge.
When we divine and open our senses to explore the unknown we magically "fly".
The spell you cast on your key will transform it into a talisman to help you fly and scry.
Scroll down to find your key and see your spell!
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1. Dig a small hole in the ground outside (or in the soil of a houseplant).
2. Empty the contents of the small packet in the hole (if using a houseplant, make sure to set it somewhere the moonlight can reach it).
3. Place the key in the hole and fill it up so that the packet contents are fully buried but the key remains visible above the soil.
4. Recite the incantation specific to your key (you can identify your key type in the images below). Leave the key to charge overnight in the moonlight.
How to use your key: Use your key to help you magically fly and open your mind to hidden truths. Hold it in your hand or hang it on a thread around your neck. Relax and focus on the information you seek. You can close your eyes and meditate on the topic at hand or you can use a tool specific for scrying such as a black mirror.
When you face a situation that seems frightening, use this key to look into the future and find out the message you need to unlock your courage.
Your key comes with a tiger's eye crystal and a mustard seed.
This offering I bury for Hekate
That moonlight may enchant this key
To divine those things I cannot see
And unveil the courage that I seek
Use this key to find out what the future holds in all matters of love.
Your key comes with a rose quartz crystal and red rosebud.
This offering I bury for Hekate
That moonlight may enchant this key
To unravel hidden mysteries
And divine the secrets love holds for me
When you feel stuck or need motivation, use this key to gaze into the future and see what you need to unlock creativity and inspiration.
Your key comes with a moonstone crystal and chamomile flower.
This offering I bury for Hekate
That moonlight may enchant this key
To divine what I do not perceive
And unleash my creativity