Ward off mental fatigue and restore balance with a lovely Empath Protection Driftwood Amulet. This amulet uses Tiger's Eye stone for protection, grounding, and emotional healing alongside moonstone for added emotional balance and harmony.

small piece of driftwood
pot (not one you use for cooking as it will get dirty)
optional: bleach
toothbrush, metal brush, or other utensil for scrubbing
mineral oil for butcher blocks
carving knife, carving tool, or dremel
moonstone and tiger's eye crystal chips (other options are sodalite, obsidian, amethyst, rose quartz, amazonite, ocean jasper, and shells)
craft glue
string or jewelry clasp with chain
Scrub the driftwood with a toothbrush or metal bristle brush to remove any dirt.
Boil the driftwood to sterilize it. Make sure to use a pot you don't use for eating or cooking as it will get dirty. I suggest buying a cheap pot and keeping it for this purpose if you choose to sterilize more driftwood. Boil for about two hours and change the water as needed. It will darken in color from the tannens in the wood, and this is natural and not a problem. Rinse the driftwood in clean water when you have finished boiling it. Let it dry completely in the sun before using it in crafts.
If you don't want to boil the wood, you can soak it in a solution that is 10 parts water to 1 part bleach for 2 hours. Rinse thoroughly and let it dry completely in the sun before using it in crafts.
Polish with mineral oil. Drill a hole through the top to attach a string or jewelry clasp so you can wear your amulet as a necklace.
Sand any rough edges. Use a carving knife or other tool to make small notches to hold the crystal chips.
Secure the crystals or other items in the notches with craft glue.
Add string or the jewelry clasp with a chain to the hole you drilled.
Charge your amulet under a full moon or anoint it with seawater, a seawitch ritual oil, or a seawitch mist. Recite the incantation. Wear your amulet for empath protection, grounding, emotional balance, and harmony.
"Charm this amulet with the magic of the sea
to bring protection and serenity."